Buyer's Regret After Breast Augmentation Surgery ?


Cosmetic & aesthetic surgeon

WORRIED THAT YOUR BREASTS LOOK UNNATURALLY HIGH AFTER SURGERY? Initially, your new breasts will probably appear unnaturally high on the chest and may have a stark “torpedo” shape. It takes time for the breasts to “drop and fluff” or settle into their final position and for scars to fade. In fact, as a surgeon; I would be worried if the breast implants look near perfect on the operating table. It would be prudent to place them slightly higher to account for the "drop and fluff" that ensues post surgery. Your body will require time to adjust to your implants; post-op swelling can also contribute to asymmetry, as swelling might go down earlier in one breast than the other. Typically, the 3-month mark is when your breasts will be pretty close to their final shape and appearance, although scars will continue to fade for several more months. After 12-months, the implants would have "dropped and fluff" and all residual swelling would be subsided giving a natural feeling and appearance. The caveat here is to understand the natural time frame evolution post breast augmentation surgery.

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